#HullBloggers Hobbycraft Event

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Although I started this blog in August 2016, it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I attended my first blogging event at Hobbycraft Hull, courtesy of Hull bloggers, a community in and around Hull for people like myself who devote a very large portion of our lives to writing blog posts to lovely people like yourselves who take the time to read what we have to say. 

Baby Loss Awareness Week 2016: My Sister in The Sky

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Between 9th and 15th October 2016, hundreds of people will gather in churches, hospitals, community centres and their own homes to remember a little one they have lost, someone who is not with them anymore and someone who is missed dearly.

September Playlist

Friday, September 30, 2016

Hello, yes I am still alive, sorry to disappoint. 

As you've probably noticed it's been a while since I last posted, and I'd like to be able to say there's a number of reasons for that. That I've maybe started training for a marathon or taken up a new hobby, or decided to become more active and given up the internet for a few weeks while I took over the world, or just that my schedule has been overflowing with activities and plans and I just haven't had the time to sit and get some words down for all you lovely people.

If only my life was that interesting.

World Suicide Prevention Day 2016: It Can't Rain Forever

Saturday, September 10, 2016

If you yourself aren't feeling too good, or the mention of suicide unsettles you, please take care when reading. Help and support listed at the bottom of this page.

Today is September 10th 2016. A normal Saturday for the majority. However, today is also World Suicide Prevention Day. 

And we need to talk about it. 

A Weight Off My Shoulders

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Thursday 25th August 2016. Anxious was an understatement. The day I had been waiting for since the start of summer had finally arrived and despite the usual encouragements of "you'll be fine" and "we love you no matter what" left echoing in my mind, I still couldn't shake the feeling of dread which was consuming me. 

To put it politely, I was bricking it.