Heart-Stopping Drama Finally Gets The Recognition It Deserves: Line of Duty Series Four

Sunday, April 30, 2017

It’s the programme which has gripped the nation over the last six Sundays and left millions constantly on the edge of their seats wondering whatever’s next in the complex world of policing. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then where have you been for best part of the last two months? After making the bold move from a mid-week slot on BBC Two to being prime-time Sunday night BBC One viewing, Line of Duty has become one of the most popular British Drama’s to date, with the nation at fever pitch time and time again.

Book Review: I'll Give You The Sun

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

"You Have To See Miracles For There To Be Miracles" 

After spending two years of my life reading literature for the sole purpose of passing exams, it’s not really surprising that after my GCSEs were over I took a break from fiction. However, being an English student, since then I have felt the overwhelming pressure to read, because it’s something I should just do, but time has escaped me and I’ve never quite got around to it until now.